Jake and AmirStream It


Aired: Sep 23, 2010 Genre: ComedyCasts: Jake Hurwitz Amir BlumenfeldCreated By: Amir Blumenfeld Jake HurwitzRating: 0 Country: United States of America Production: CollegeHumor
01: Quick Characters02: 30-Second Debate03: Beerd04: Trust Fall05: Kite06: Tattoo07: Battleship08: Practical Joke09: Beer10: Sunglasses11: Weapons12: Screen Name13: High Five14: IQ Test15: Dinner16: Editing17: Song18: Proverbs19: Ace20: Cookies21: iPhone22: Twas a Dream23: Smoking24: Vacation25: Vacation Part 226: Website Ideas27: Sleepy28: Canada29: Broken30: Singing31: Mom32: Video Letter to Mom33: Performance Evaluation34: Lunchtime35: Math36: Hang Up37: Labor Day38: Blood Brothers39: Desktop Prank40: Shred41: Long Distance42: Ticklish43: Shampoo44: Gross Websites45: Keep Away46: Bowling for Soup47: Burp48: Britney49: Photographs50: Wallet51: Make Believe52: Jacket53: Bubble Wrap54: New Computer55: Advice56: Away Message57: You're It!58: T-Shirt59: Office Tour60: Rollercoaster (of love. (no it's not))61: Costume62: Making Fun63: Restaurant64: Guitar Hero65: Thanksgiving66: Test Results67: Bathroom (Unreleased)68: Brownies69: Lyrics70: Bless You71: Jake72: My Boy73: Gifts74: Jake and Amir on Yahoo's The 975: Christmas76: New Years Resolution77: Phone Call78: Ace and Jocelyn Episode 179: High School Friend80: Drugs. No They're Not.81: Lunch Meeting82: Office Fantasy83: Amir's Birthday84: Going Home85: Dinner Date86: Six Flags87: New Website88: Hop To It89: Florida90: Florida Pt. II (Plane Ride)91: Florida Pt. III (Sun Tan)92: Florida Pt. IV (Puzzle)93: Chips94: Jake's Computer95: Sandwich96: Sleeping Pills97: Jake's Haircut98: Ace and Jocelyn Episode 299: Movie Debate100: March Madness101: Good Cop, Bad Cop102: Photobooth103: Pictionary104: Bomb Threat105: April Fools106: April Fools II107: Nerd108: Online Joke109: Ace and Jocelyn Episode 3110: Nutrition111: Who's the Boss?112: Lasik113: Bathroom114: Vinny115: Date116: Date Part II117: Ace and Jocelyn Episode 4118: New Apartment119: Truth or Dare120: Pick Up121: Basketball Game122: Instant Messages123: Ex-Girlfriend124: Shopping125: Wingman126: Crazy127: Elevator128: Code129: Park130: Ace and Jocelyn Episode 5131: Baseball132: Scissors133: Rosie134: Fourth of July135: Cup Trick136: Dad137: Hallie Part I138: Hallie Part II139: Hallie Part III140: Hallie Part IV - Ace and Jocelyn Episode 6141: Jake's Birthday142: Jake's Birthday Part 2143: Jake's Birthday Part 3144: Script Notes145: Micah146: Nantucket147: DVD148: DVD Part 2149: DVD Part 3150: Headache151: New Website Design152: Secretary153: Book154: Jake is Sick155: Friend Quiz156: BFF157: Screen Name 2158: Impersonation159: Church160: Box161: Election162: Ballgame163: Ace and Jocelyn - Episode 7: Space Twins!164: I.M's165: Zombie166: My Super Not Chill Ghost Roommate Ep. 1167: My Super Not Chill Ghost Roommate Ep. 2168: Vote!169: Dinner Tonight170: Files171: Monopoly172: Dating Service173: Question174: Internship175: Workshop176: Twitter177: Economic Crisis178: Webby PSA179: Interpreters180: Interpreters 2 (Cheer Up)181: Interpreters 3 (For the Wind)182: Interpreters 4 (In Da Club)183: Happy Holidays184: That 70's Episode185: Rapping186: Locked Out187: Tissue188: Cousin189: Scared190: New Girlfriend191: Glasses192: Voice193: Keys194: Sick Day195: Behind the Scenes of the CollegeHumor Show196: Behind the Scenes of the CollegeHumor Show Pt. 2197: Sick Day Pt. 2198: Sick Day Pt. 3 (Goodbye)199: New Guy200: New Office201: Mike and Amanda202: Jake and Amir Interview the Lonely Island203: Realizations204: Ultimatum205: Decision206: Ground Rules207: Restricted208: March Madness Pt. 2209: Opinions210: Engaged211: VideoGames212: Master Cleanse213: Sneaky214: Gallon Challenge215: Brother Part 1216: Brother Part 2217: Brother Part 3218: Brother Part 4219: Community Service220: Fashion Tips221: Swine Flu222: Settlers of Catan223: Making the Band. Perform.224: Snack Attack225: Quitting226: Coma227: Understudy228: Email229: Dating Coach230: Dating Coach Pt. 2231: Text Messages232: Silent Treatment233: Coupon234: Last Night (The Prequel)235: eBay236: Godfather237: Half Birthday238: Wardrobe239: Taste Test240: Disease241: Girl Advice242: Wake Up243: Magic Trick244: Reading245: Party Planning246: Stuck247: Storm248: Las Vegas249: Blackjack250: 2 Months 2 Million Interview251: Dare252: On the Phone253: Real World Audition254: Game Show Host255: Let Me In256: Sarcasm257: Crush It!258: Hilary259: Thai Menu260: Heavy Lifting261: Hebrew262: Bozo263: Tampon264: Eighty Cents265: Crossword Puzzle266: Pie267: Julia Nunes268: Oh Sheesh Y'all269: Puppet270: 50,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video271: Puppet Part 2272: Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 1273: Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 2274: Guitar Shopping275: Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 3276: Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 4277: Health Insurance278: Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 5279: Roulette280: Love Letter281: Miami282: Miami Part 2 (Driving)283: Miami Part 3 (Bang Bus)284: Miami Part 4 (The Crash)285: Miami Part 5 (Bang Bros HQ)286: Miami Part 6 (The Porno)287: Winter Coat288: Drawer289: Set Up290: Camera291: Toilet292: Couples Therapist293: Couples Therapist 2294: Santa295: Water296: Amir's Haircut297: Resolutions298: Vending Machine299: Dave300: Dave Pt. 2301: Moving302: Moving Part 2303: New Office304: New Office Pt. 2305: Football Game306: Chris Cooley307: Thanks for Donating308: Video Brainstorm309: Blowing Up310: Video Chat311: Thighs312: Commute313: Chat Roulette314: Couch315: Sickly316: Come Again317: For The Wolf318: Snowstorm319: March Madness Pt. 3320: Yoga321: Jordan322: Cousins323: April Fool324: 75,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video325: iPad326: Moment of Silence327: Explanation328: Taxes329: Private Eye Pt. 1330: Private Eye Pt. 2331: Push-Up Contest332: Time Saver333: Consoling334: Mother's Day335: Embarassed336: Break a Leg337: Cereal338: Rubik's Cube339: Oil Spill340: Cincinatti341: Treats342: Teasing343: Rubik's Cube Pt. 2344: World Cup345: Office Painter346: Office Painter Pt. 2347: Letter348: Crabs349: Emails350: Aunt351: Muffin352: Baby353: 100,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video354: Freaky Friday355: Record Breaker356: Typewriter357: Job358: Girlfriend359: Girlfriend Pt. 2 (Aragorn)360: Girlfriend Pt. 3 (Kite)361: Girlfriend Pt. 4 (Love)362: Girlfriend Pt. 5 (Cookies)363: Girlfriend Pt. 6 (Flowers)364: Girlfriend Pt. 7 (The Decision)365: Girlfriend Pt. 8 (Funeral)366: Icing367: Jake's Twitter368: For the Wolf Shirt369: Mouse Trap370: Mirror Image371: Resume372: Voicemail373: Mickey374: Mugging375: Evicted376: Angry Birds377: Loud Movie378: Micah's Facebook379: Breakfast380: Lunch381: Studio Audience382: Niece383: Ping Pong384: Trick or Treat385: Staycation386: Staycation Pt. 2387: Movie Pitches388: Toilet Paper389: Tickets390: Bathroom Break391: Candy392: Auto Tune the News393: Celebration394: Rock, Paper, Scissors395: Bake Sale396: Wikileaks397: Darren398: Jake's Cousin399: Toy Drive400: Kitchen401: Mime402: Ransom403: Profile Pic404: 150,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video405: Suggestion Box406: Suggestion Box Pt. 2407: Birthday Present408: YouTube409: Vegan410: Vest411: Rick Fox412: Beeper413: Bucket List414: Soda415: New Voice416: Triathalon417: Hygiene418: Oscar Pool419: Oscar Pool Pt. 2420: Rap Teacher421: Last Night422: I.O.U.423: March Madness Pt. 4424: The Music Box425: H.R. Guy426: H.R. Guy Pt. 2427: Powder428: Tutors429: Videos430: Set Me Up431: LOLaid Japan432: Rick Fox 2433: High School434: Business Ideas435: Fedora436: Fashion Blog437: Knives438: Facebook Privacy439: Doobs440: Boot Camp441: Karate442: Journal443: Cereal Thief444: Snakebite445: Mark and Karen446: Prom447: The Moment448: Jake's New Shirt449: Screenplay450: Choking451: Ice Cream Break452: 200,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video453: Daughter454: Gym455: Favor456: Grandma457: Carbs458: Girlfriend Pt. 2 (Graveyard)459: Osama460: Headset461: Business Card462: Shaving463: Translator464: Hot Box465: Jake's Gift466: Barbershop Quartet467: Braces468: Brown Teepee469: High School Play470: Talent Show471: Cologne472: Cereal Pt. 2473: Deals474: Diseases475: Suitcase476: Scrapbook477: Notified478: Trouble479: Economic Crisis 2480: Nuggets481: Important Meeting482: Hospital483: Rap Teacher 2484: Blender485: Fired Commercial486: Rick Fox 3487: Charity488: Earrings489: Halloween Costumes490: Are We Okay?491: Coffee Shop492: Rosie's Appointment493: The Bet494: Ace and Jocelyn Shirt495: Doobs Pt. 2496: Thanksgiving Feast497: Would You Rather?498: FIAT Roadtrip499: Driving Home500: Cheryl501: FIAT Roadtrip 2502: Texting503: Parkour504: Album505: Secret Santa506: Secret Santa Part 2507: Soup Kitchen508: Facebook Redesign509: Break510: Brownie511: Wise512: Laundry513: Los Angeles514: Airplane515: Itinerary516: Jacuzzi517: Mountain Hiker Part 1518: Mountain Hiker Part 2519: Traffic520: Toothbrush521: Valentine's Day522: Tipping523: New Shirt524: Bagels525: Chin Strap Beard526: Club527: March Madness Pt. 5528: Kobayashi529: Thoughts530: Survey531: Rap Teacher Part 3532: Chugging533: Waitress534: Normal Conversation535: Blood Donation536: Trust Fall 2537: Table Read538: Food Poisoning539: I.T. Guy540: Reddit541: Interrogator Part 1542: Interrogator Part 2543: Hookah544: App Ideas545: Muscle Tee546: Seminar547: Olympics548: Internship Interviews549: Real Estate550: Cheryl: Part 2551: Double Date552: Double Date: Part 2553: Double Date: Part 3554: Double Date: Part 4555: Opposite Day556: Date Ideas557: Ice Breakers558: Milk Man: Part 1559: Milk Man: Part 2560: Sandwich Email561: Costume Party562: Hurricane Charity563: Sunday Football564: Vote Part 2565: Doobs Pt. 3566: Split Pea Soup567: Corduroy Pants568: Dog569: Homeland570: Butt Chugging571: Poker572: Ace and Jocelyn Episode 9573: 30th Birthday574: Dinner Joke575: Work Out Clothes576: Girls577: One Almond578: CEO579: Movie Date580: Movie Date 2581: March Madness Pt. 6582: Baby Bjorn583: Fur584: Gay Marriage585: Rolex586: Tiny Wings587: Meeting Invitation588: Instagram589: Rick Fox 4 with Eliza Dushku590: Amir's Dream591: iPhone Case592: Vandalism593: Get Rick Quick Schemes594: Lunch Conversation595: Citizen's Arrest596: 4th of July Scroll597: Password598: Swag599: Rick Roll600: Bus601: Shia602: Frat603: Airline Scam604: Talent Show Part 2605: Lights Out606: Hotel Room607: Audition608: Reddit Part 2609: Nose Job610: Lottery611: Couch For Sale612: Halloween Costumes Pt. 2613: Tongue614: Pizza615: Breakfast Date616: Bread617: Thanksgiving Scroll618: Amnesia619: Dating Apps620: Relocation621: Last Day622: Road Trip Part 1 (New Jersey)623: Road Trip Part 2 (New Orleans)624: Road Trip Part 3 (Texas)625: Road Trip Part 4 (New Mexico)626: Road Trip Part 5 (Grand Canyon)627: Road Trip Part 6 (Las Vegas)628: Road Trip Part 7 (The End)629: Printer630: Bitcoin631: March Madness Pt. 7632: Bieber Fever633: April Fools Soup634: Real Estate Agent Part 1 (with Ben Schwartz)635: Real Estate Agent Part 2636: Poster Ideas637: Driving Lesson638: Gardening639: Table Read 2640: Hoops641: Tinder642: Personality Quiz643: DJ Business644: NY vs LA645: Game Ideas646: Vacation Scroll647: World Cup 2648: Celebrity Date649: Horoscopes650: Gum651: Birfday652: Credit Card653: Standing Desk654: Headshots655: Ice Bucket Challenge656: Grill657: Online Shopping658: Copier659: Feminist660: iPhone 6661: Song of You662: Laundry Day663: Costumes Part 3664: Date Night665: Stock Market666: Full Body Cast667: Day After Thanksgiving668: Ebola669: Serial670: Painting Ideas671: Fish Scroll672: Compost673: Finale Part 1: The Idea674: Finale Part 2: Ben Schwartz675: Finale Part 3: Ben Schwartz 2676: Finale Part 4: Power Lunch677: Finale Part 5: The Auditions678: Finale Part 6: The Shoot679: Finale Part 7: Limo680: The Last Jake and Amir Episode Ever681: Donald Trump