ConanStream It

Egg Police: Omelet You Go with a Warning

Sharon Stone, Anthony Jeselnik and comedian Julian McCullough
Aired: Aug 07, 2013 Genre: Talk Comedy NewsCasts: Conan O'Brien Andy RichterCreated By: Conan O'BrienDuration: 1h Rating: 0 Country: United States of America Production: TBS Productions
01: Superman Takes Ambien and Accidentally Sleep-Destroys Tokyo02: Saw VI: The Past Tense of See VI03: I've Got 100 Problems, and Yes, Karen Is One of Them04: The Day They Announced Five More Twilight Movies05: "Boo!", Said Boo Radley When Asked What His Name Was06: The Vague Man Who Said Something07: The Lorax XXX08: What Does Not Kill You, Only Makes You Decide to Sell Your Hang Gliding Equipment on eBay09: Dial N for "Not How You Spell Murder"10: Surprise, Fourth Graders, You're the Mets!11: The Unicorn That Hated Little Girls12: The Lion, the Witch, and the Ward Boss13: The Puppy Photo That Got 42 Dislikes14: Honey, Can You Please Help Me Open This Can of Whoop-Ass?15: The Announcer Who Couldn't Sing16: Star Wars Episode 7: A Cautiously Optimistic Hope17: The Narcoleptic Insomniac18: Conan's Got a Cold19: The Unfortunate Rap Career of Dr. Dreidel20: Melf Hunters 3: North Polin'21: The Grinch Who Returned Christmas for Full Store Credit22: The Present with No Air Holes That Stopped Meowing23: Whatever You Do, Do Not Do a Google Image Search for "Geese-a-Laying"24: 6 Resolutions Broken, 3 to Go25: The Guy Who Drove a Hummer and Wasn't a Total A-Hole26: Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice, I Kick You in the Scrote27: Betty White's Bud in Bieber's Bong28: All Quiet on the Western Front, Until Someone's Car Alarm Went Off29: Smells Like Murder, But It's Probably Fish30: The Chamomile Conundrum31: Texas Chainsaw Seminar: How to Sell Chainsaws from Home!32: Siri, Where Is My Kidney?33: The Long Awaited Revenge of Zippy Smiles34: Step Up 3D 2: The Stepening35: The Least Fantastic Pants of Professor Downplays-His-Pants36: Sweet Home Al-Jazeera37: The Day the Mime Stood Still38: Watch Tonight's Show and Live Forever* (*This Claim Is 100% False)39: Occupy CONAN: When Outsourcing Goes Too Far40: The Day Lincoln Joined LinkedIn41: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory That Was a Front for a Sweatshop That Makes Gym Bags42: Yahtzee at the OK Corral43: The Strange Case of Case Strangerson44: The Postman Always Butt-Dials Twice45: The Walls Have Ears, and Other Side Effects of This Medication46: The Hunchback of Notre Dame Law School47: Love Means Never Having to Say, "Do You Think Your Friend Would Be Into a Three-Way?"48: The Surprising Bar Mitzvah of Seamus O'Flannery49: "Waka Flocka Flame," Said the Drunk Rooster50: The Roomba with a View51: The All-Girl Sausage Party52: You Have the Right to Remain Naked53: The Legend of Legend Cove54: The Exquisitely Subtle Beauty of a Perfectly Formed Badonkadonk55: Kathy, Will You Marry Me? Give Me Your Answer in Tomorrow's Episode Title56: Yes I'll Marry You, But My Name Is Karen, Not Kathy57: The Ex-Cons Who Discussed the Pros and Cons of Prose58: A Time to Kill Time59: The Octopus Who Was a Master Pickpocket in Highly Specific Circumstances60: The Sophomore Who Took a Year Off to Find Himself Unemployable61: Angels in Poorly-Made Devil Costumes62: The Man in the Gray Flannel Snuggie63: I Just Called to Say I Love Wheat Thins64: The Title with the Unnecessary Question Mark?65: The Auto-Corrector's Last Will & Testicle66: The Ginger Went Down to Georgia67: It's Not the Heatlanta, It's the Humidylanta68: Gone with the Wind, But Don't Worry, We're Insured69: The Show Where We Partied Too Much in Atlanta to Think of a Good Episode Title70: The Inspiring Journey of the Armless, Legless...Oh Wait That's a Snake71: The Surprisingly Non-Ostentatious Summer Home of King Tut72: Beer Squad: Battle in Sudsville73: Zero Dark Thirty: The Squeakquel74: The Episode Title WITH Misplaced Emphasis75: Keep Your Friends Close, Your Frenemies Closer76: Django Snowchained77: Auto-Corrective Asphyxiation78: Return of the Dawn of the Sequel III79: Are You There God? It's Me, a Courtesy Call from Time Warner Cable to Tell You About How Much You Can Save by Bundling Services80: Green Eggs and Ham and Trichinosis81: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Ruination of His Middle Name82: The Episode Title with the Inset Box of Me83: The Court Martial of Cap'n Crunch84: Press "Pound" for Murder85: The Very Understated Adventures of Captain Beige86: There Is No "I" in Tim. That's How Unselfish He Is!87: IMDBCooper88: "Why Are You All Laughing?" Asked the Glass Blower89: The Princess and the P. Diddy90: Kentucky Freud Chicken and the Terrible Psychiatry Joke91: The Completely Flat Man... in 3-D!!!92: The Illegitimate Rise of Steve Bastard93: Butt-Dial M for Murder94: The Exotic Marigold Hotel 2: Dench Does Dallas95: The Man Whose Darkest Secret Is That He Kind of Likes The Wallflowers96: Alien Meets The Fokkers97: The Limber Chef Who Tossed His Own Salad98: Do Not Ask for Whom the Bell Tolls, Because It's Out for Its Annual Servicing99: Escape from Podcast Mountain100: The Fast & the Dealing-with-Their-Fury-Through-Journaling 6101: The Announcer Who Repeated Himself. The Announcer Who Repeated Himself.102: The Mysterious Case of the Two Talk Guests and One Musical Guest103: Never Name Your Daughter Dilda104: The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions Brand Asphalt, Good Intentions Brand, Ask for It By Name!105: The Slowly Bobbing Adventures of Buoy Boy106: When Your Friend's Kid Just Starts Listing Dinosaurs, It's Okay to Give Him Beer.107: My Friend Went to the Ed Hardy Outlet and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt108: The Episode Where We Worked So Hard on the Show We Didn't Have Time to Come Up with a Great Episode Title, So Let's Just Call This One "Steve"109: The Day the Earth Stood Still Just Long Enough to Take One Good Selfie110: There, There, Don't Cry. Andy Just Went to Live on a Farm111: Zero on the Richter Scale112: Cheapskate Charley and the Taped-Up iPhone 3S113: 99% Effort, 1% Milk.114: Dog Nerd-A-Palooza: Labradorks vs. Poodle-Dexters115: "What Is Jeopardy?" Said the Senile Alex Trebek116: Slow and Steady Wins the Participation Trophy117: Littering in London: Jack the Ripper's Lesser Crimes118: One If by Land, Two If by Jetski119: Dragon Hunt 2: Scorchy's Revenge120: My Big Fat Greek Landlord121: Journey to Joke Mountain 3: The Laughening122: Free Pizza for Everyone!* (*The statements made in CONAN show titles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of this company.)123: Egg Police: Omelet You Go with a Warning124: The iTunes Update That Made All the Difference125: Now You See Me, Now You Put On Your Glasses and See Me Better.126: Conan and Andy's Laughquest '13 in 3D127: The Mysterious Case of No Wait We Did This One128: Goodfellas 2: Betterfellas129: The Touchscreen That Didn't Like to Be Touched130: The Self-Centered Man Who Called It "MeTube"131: DoubleVision Theater presents: 24 ANGRY MEN132: The Evil "S" Who Turned Laughter to Slaughter133: A Bar Walks Into a Horse for a Change134: The Man Who Would Be King, but Chose to Sell Home Appliances Instead135: Nurder, She Wrote without Proofreading136: Ted Nugent and Quentin Tarantino Present: Django Wango Tango137: The One Movie Even Nicolas Cage Wouldn't Star In138: Goodzilla: The Giant Lizard Who Taught Reading Skills139: The Fast and the Bi-Curious140: Mr. White Meets Mr. Extremely White141: Now Is the Winter of Our Disco Tent142: The Black Guy Who Had Almost Every Springsteen Album143: Word Is a Four-Letter Word144: The Microphone That Suddenly Went Off in the Middle Of145: Fast Times at Ridgemont Retirement Home146: Font Wars: Helvetica vs Calibri Part 3147: A Word-for-Word Re-enactment of This Afternoon's Queen Latifah Episode148: Aaron Aaronson and the First-in-the-Phonebook Caper149: The Dog Who Had the Opportunity to Lick Itself But Politely Declined150: Throwing Shade Since 1993151: Is Not In Right Now. Please Leave a Message After the Theme.152: Of Mice and Men and Their Mutant Offspring, Mice-Men153: The Asian Guy Who Actually Appreciated That "Good at Math" Stereotype154: The Westboro Baptist Church's Surprisingly Moving Stage Version of "Brokeback Mountain"155: Microwaving Fish at Work Is a War Crime156: Please Wait While Your Show Title Is Being Processed157: Two Decades, Two Laughs158: A Night of 1000 Laughs and 11 Deafening Silences159: That Spooky Night They Ignored Halloween and Showed Clips from the Last 20 Years